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Инвестирование в недвижимость в ПольшеRUS

Work permit in Poland, work visa in Poland

Our firm advises the legalization of residence and employment of foreigners in Poland: work permits, visas for work. Our services are targeted for companies and private individuals.

We help people from overseas who arrived in the Polish arrange all the formalities for staying in Poland. We help to obtain visas, residence permits, work permits.

We invite employers to benefit from our assistance. We will be facilitating the transfer of problems with the legalization of residence and employment of foreign workers in your company. With our help all the necessary procedures will be carried out as quickly as possible and correctly.

Work permit in Poland

Any employer wishing to employ a foreigner on Polish territory must apply for a permit to work in Poland. The proposal must adequately justify the need a employment for a foreigner in his company.
This requirement applies to all foreigners with the exception of certain groups of people and citizens of several European Union countries, in accordance with the principle of reciprocity. Verification of employment of the alien shall be accompanied by a procedure related to the legalization of their stay in Poland.

Visa issued to perform work in Poland

Visa issued to perform work entitles you to stay on Polish territory and to work. A visa to work issued by the competent consul because of the habitual residence of the foreigner, if he promise to issue work permits to Polish territory, or a written statement by the employer of his intention to entrust the work to an alien if the work permit is not required. If a foreigner intends to perform work on Polish territory for a period longer than 3 months and receive a promise to issue a work permit, should apply via the consul, if he stays abroad, or directly to the voivod competent with respect to intended place of residence with a request for authorization to residence time indicated.